Blogging to Document Student Learning

Blogging is a great tool for writing and sharing ideas and resources.  But it can also be a very powerful tool to document student learning and understanding.

Students can use their personal blog to upload various types of authentic projects that they have crafted in order to create a backchannel of their learning.  This not only serves as an ePortfolio, but it also allows students to document and share their learning objectives with their teachers.  What's more, students can even "tag" their blog posts and create labels that are specific to state and national standards of learning.  To read more about this idea, visit my blogpost, Tag, You're It!

Better yet, teachers can even access their students blogs as a way to assess their learning and understanding.  It also serves as a great method to document evidence of their students mastering specific learning objectives.  Teachers can even leave feedback in the form of comments on student blogposts and encourage them to edit or update their posts with suggestions and recommendations.

When we think of blogging, we typically think of writing.  While writing is a great way to communicate learning and understanding, there are also lots of other ways to communicate learning with multimedia.  For example, students can embed pictures, videos, and other multimedia projects into their blog posts.  Below are just a few examples of how students can document their learning and understanding for various assignments and learning objectives.

Student Writing Samples
  • Book Reports
  • Persuasive Writing
  • Creative Writing
  • Storytelling
  • Poetry
  • Lab Reports
  • Current Events
  • Reading Logs
  • Microblogging (140 characters or less)

Student Created Images, Pictures and Artwork

Science Experiments

Math Explanations

Student Projects

Student Presentations

These are just a few examples of how students can use a blog to demonstrate their learning and understanding.  The best part about this is that students are practicing their digital literacy skills by learning how to write effective and appropriate blog posts, with guidance and direction from their teachers.  Thereby, helping to contribute to the global society by becoming a digital citizen.

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Tag, You're It!
